Monday, September 27, 2010

Hearts in the vine

A fantastic day at Jamesport Vineyard yesterday with my family.  We really were able to all enjoy each other as we sat outside in the midst of the vines listening to Reckoning and just relaxing.  I was able to take some photographs and spend some time with my two guys without feeling the rush and need to get "stuff" done around the house.  There was lots of that this weekend too, but I am so glad that we took the time to do something fun.  We also made a quick stop at Roanoke Vineyard as well to say hello to my parents.  On the way home we stopped at the farmers market and picked up some veggies and mums, which actually made it into planters when we got home last night.  AMAZING!  What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.  I wish they were all like that.  I really needed that.

The goodness continues with a fantastic dinner tonight!  We had pan fried tilapia with purple broccoli and tomato with mozzarella cheese.  Yum!  I can taste it as I am writing about it.  My big guy has been amazing cooking dinners for the two of us as I get the little one to bed.  I was even able to exercise tonight!  Very excited about that.  It was for just a little, but it is a start.  Let's hope it continues.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some quiet time

It is a beautiful Autumn morning here on Long Island.  I am sitting outside on the front stoop watching my husband rake out the grass to prepare to seed the lawn.  The little one is napping, hopefully a good one.  I am enjoying the quiet of a Sunday morning in our neighborhood.  Sitting outside with my computer and sipping a cup of coffee. 

This morning I couldn't sleep.  I feed the little guy, and then I was wide awake.  As I lay there I started to think about the quiet moments that I have lately.  The one that stands out the most is my commute.  As I lay there, I thought about how the morning commute I usually tumble all sorts of things in my head.  Lately thoughts of Lia Rose have been abound.  It could be because one of my very best friends will be having her baby girl any moment now.  It could be just because.  They are not necessarily sad thoughts.  I often think of her and what she may be doing right now.  I think of her taking care of her "baby" brother and her mom and dad.

Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend that I met through my new mommy group.  She has a daughter just a few weeks older than JP.  She is 14 weeks pregnant again.  She had a difficult time the first time and never thought she would get pregnant.  Our bodies are amazing.  While we were at lunch, I was giving JP his lunch, and he wasn't really eating, but was pretty cute.  A gentlemen at the next table told me that he was very cute and then proceeded to ask me one of the most difficult questions, "Is he your first?"  I always hesitate when asked, never quite knowing what to say.  I usually just say yes, but it always make me feel a bit guilty.  He isn't really my first, my first is an angel.  It is so hard to just explain that.

I have been also trying to figure out how I want to finish decorating JP's bedroom.  I have found several prints on Etsy that I truly love and am trying to think of the best combination to do an art wall for him.  I think it would be so much fun! 

Wow I feel like my thoughts have been wandering all over the place.  Anyway, it's been a great weekend and hopefully we'll get to a harvest festival somewhere today!  We'll see what the day brings!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Autumn is here

As much as I love summer and the beach, I truly enjoy the cooler weather that Autumn brings. Every year I hope for a nice long one. I am hoping that this is the year after the very hot summer we had here. I am looking forward to days at the Vineyard and fall festivals with the family. Maybe we will have to go pumpkin picking and apple picking.

                                   Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
                                                                                                         -Albert Camus

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Need some inspiration

A girlfriend of mine recently emailed me that she had started a blog and wanted me to check it out. Of course I did as soon as it was physically possible for me to do so, and I am so glad that I did. You can check it out here, A Journey Toward Wellness.  I think she gave me the bit of the inspiration and motivation that I need. I am hoping maybe we can keep each other in check.

A bit of background on the two of us. We have known each other since her freshman and my sophomore year of college. We have been through ups and downs together and the most recent has made our friendship the strongest it has been. She has been there for me in so many ways even though she lives about four hours away. We now can compare notes on our boys since they are about 7 weeks apart.

Found on the beach in Corolla, NC
Since having JP I have had my fair share of healthy issues going on. Finding time for myself to do the things I need to do to get back on track has not been easy even when I was home for the summer. I have been struggling with high blood pressure and have been on medication. When I was weaned off of it my blood pressure spiked. I would like to be off of it again, but I need to get the BP under control. The latest bit is that my joints have been aching. I was convinced it was some kind of arthritis. It is mainly in my hands, but I ache at night. My blood work came back normal and my doctor and the rheumatologist seem to think it could be some kind of virus. So, now I have to wait it out. In the meantime the rheumatologist told me that I need to get exercise and plenty of rest. I told her, "You do remember that I have a 7 month old." I can't do much about the rest part because if he needs me in the middle of the night I am not going to sleep, but I need to take control of the exercise.

I am going to make an effort to do something at least twice a week for right now. I did take DVD's out of the library and I did do one of them, I need to continue to do them.

Thank you Annie for helping to motivate and inspire me to take some time and get myself back on track.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Carved in Stone

This is my first weekend home after my first full week of work.  It feels so great to be able to spend the whole day with my two loves.  We had such a great day today.  It started with morning snuggles in bed with the family and then a great cup of coffee.  I spent some time with my little guy while my husband went out for a bike ride.  When he got home we spent the early afternoon in a town near our house.  I took some photographs, and browsed the shops.  We had lunch outside in a cafe while the baby napped.  It couldn't have been more perfect.  

I haven't had much time for myself and today felt like I did even though we were all together.  I was able to do a little bit of something on my own.  As much as I want time to myself I want to spend every minute that I can with my little one.  Right now I am thinking that the weekend needs to always be at least three days long.

Here's a few of the photos from today.  I loved the purple leaves on that plant.  I have no idea what it is.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The daily Grind

I am back at work and let me tell you it is not easy. I did however like getting a paycheck today. I miss JP all day long and I only get to see him for a little bit of time. He is often tired and a little cranky by the end of the day which makes it difficult. He is getting used to his new schedule too I know. He is with grandma and grandpa who I am sure spoil him. I am hoping the school year goes by quickly so that I can enjoy another summer with him. I also hope next summer isn't quite as hot as this one.

I haven't had much time to do much for myself the past two weeks, but I am hoping that once I get into a good routine that I will be able to do some small things. I would like to take some more time for photography and maybe going to flea markets and thrift stores. I have some stools that I'd like to refinish one day too. I want one for the baby's room, but I am afraid that he will climb on it. We'll see....

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crack your heart wide opened

I love this shell that I found on the beach in Corolla, NC.  It looks like a heart with a heart inside of it, at least to me.  My heart was cracked wide opened this week as I had to leave my little guy and return to work.  I knew that it would be difficult, but it was even harder than I thought.  He did great, it's his mommy who is having a tough time.  I definitely did not survive the two days without tears and a million phone calls and text  messages to my mother.  This week was only two days!  How will I manage five next week.  His smile melts my heart though, and he was so excited to see me when I got home.  I know that I have to work for right now and that it will provide him with everything that he needs.  I do this for our family and I have to remember that.  Although winning the lotto still sounds like a really good option to me.

The weather here today really feels like fall and I welcome that because it has been so incredibly hot here.  I loved the summer, but at the same time wish I was able to do more things outdoors.  I am hoping to get some good activities in on the weekends this fall.  There should be lots of fall festivals going on.  JP loves to be outside and I have a feeling he isn't going to mind the cold too too much.  He wasn't a fan of the heat that is for sure.  I am definitely looking forward to the cooler weather. 

I haven't had much time to get much creating in recently, but I have some ideas that I want to try.  We'll see if I can find the time.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Toes in the sand

Sandy little toes

I didn't get to the beach as much as I would have liked this summer.  It was just too hot to go with the little one, but I did get to spend a week at the beach which helped to make up for it.  The first two pictures were from a beach in the Hamptons.  We spent the day there visiting with my sister-in-law and her family.  It was fantastic to see the kids and I got to relax a little bit.  The last is my toes from the Outerbanks prior to my toe injury.  I thought that I broke my toe slamming it into the stroller, but it isn't broken, which I still can't believe.  I can't even say that I did it doing something "cool" like playing 3 on 3 basketball or in the family volleyball tournament, but walking with a stroller is cool enough for me.  Next summer I will get to the beach more!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Open your eyes and hearts will find you.

I have been keeping my eyes opened for hearts in the world.  I have been seeing pictures of hearts from various places in stones and trees and all over and well I decided that I wanted to find my own.  I actually have a heart rock that I found years ago with my boyfriend in high school.  I just found it again recently, but now have seemed to misplace it in the transport from my parents home to mine.  I have found lots of hearts lately all over the place.  The beach was a good place to look, but those photos aren't downloaded quite yet.  I have been a bit lazy since my return from vacation.  I guess I am just trying to relax in preparation for the weeks to come.

When I find them out in nature they make me smile.  I get a little excited and snap a picture.  This was from a tree in Heritage Park in Corolla, NC.