The past week or so, I have realized that my baby is not a baby anymore. He is really coming into himself and is really a little man these days. He doesn't want to snuggle so much at bedtime, and he asks for his crib. He points and says "rib" if it wasn't so cute, it would make me want to cry a little. He is not taking a bottle at all anymore and is asking for "mum-mum" and walking to his high chair when he is hungry. Each day there are new words and I am simply amazed at how fast he is learning. He's practically running around now, he's getting so quick. He is enamored with his daddy, which is absolutely adorable, except that he forgets all about me.
I am so excited to spend my summer with this little man. I know that it is going to be amazing. There will be lots of bubbles and water play. Speaking of bubbles, I think this picture is one of my new favorites, aside from pictures of the little guy.
I like this one too!
And of course, some baby feet!!!
Hopefully next time won't be so far away!