Friday, July 23, 2010

The August Break

I will be participating in the August break organized by Susannah Conway.  Here is the link.  I am really looking forward to it and I think it will be a lot of fun.  I just finished her online course, Unravelling, well not quite finished it, but I am working through it, and it has been great.  I will be writing about it when I figure out what I want to say.  There seems to be many thoughts about it in my head and they don't really want to come out of me in a way that makes sense.

The thing I am wondering right now is why is my little man up after only napping for twenty minutes????


  1. well, same here...half an hour nap doesn't make mummy happy! By the way I am joining the August break too, so see you there! xo Mariella

  2. Looking forward to the August break as well...and meeting new bloggers :) xoxo Caroline

  3. it's like cam before Unravelling 2 starts! Fun!!
