Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I haven't done Scavenger Hunt Sunday in a few weeks.  Things have just been a bit hectic in our house.  I realized that I barely even took pictures of the little guy the past two weeks.  I broke the camera out this weekend and got some pictures of him and two for the Scavenger Hunt.  I like to get them all, but I figured the effort was worth it.


I made this journal this weekend.  The inspiration came from The Creative Mama Blog.  I saw it and thought that I would make a wish book.  My husband and I are always thinking of things that we would like for ourselves, the house and now the baby, but often we don't have the means to get it at the time.  I thought that by writing down some of our "wishes" it may help us to make some of them come true.  For example, my husband wants to create storage space in the garage, and I would like a new color printer.  We can have a goal and it will hopefully help us to reach it.  I also thought it would be nice to put some of the really big wishes we have too such as trips etc. that we would both like to do one day.  It may seem silly, but putting it down on paper helps sometimes. 


That's all I have for this week, but I have to say that I was excited to make my little journal.  I think it came out pretty nicely.  I have some thoughts on how I might do the next one that I make. 

We had such a fabulous weekend here!  The weather was very mild for the middle of November and we spent a lot of time outdoors.  We have a huge pot of sauce on the stove and the house smells wonderful.  Our chore list has paid off because this weekend we didn't spend so much time doing household things, we did some, but we really were able to enjoy each other.  The best part is that we are all caught up with pretty much everything!  Oh and I have exercised for 4 out of 6 days this week.  I am on a roll and hope I can keep it up.


  1. I'm glad you stopped in, even if you didn't completely finish the hunt - glad to see your entries. Have an awesome week! I wish I could be as consistent as you have with the gym.

  2. Great shots, that book looks like it took awhile to make!

  3. Great pictures. Love the journal idea. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  4. Some is better than none and your first shot and explanation is inspiring enough! So positive and organized and very cute!!

  5. My man and I do Wish Books and it's a fun way to dream and wish together. Sometimes we have to compromise, but that's part of the fun!!

    Hope your book is full of yummy wishes that come true :)

  6. we have mental wish lists!! May all your (our) wishes come true!! he he ... love your candle shot! ;)

  7. Sounds like you had a good week, and your journal is just beautiful.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

