Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Open your eyes and hearts will find you.

I have been keeping my eyes opened for hearts in the world.  I have been seeing pictures of hearts from various places in stones and trees and all over and well I decided that I wanted to find my own.  I actually have a heart rock that I found years ago with my boyfriend in high school.  I just found it again recently, but now have seemed to misplace it in the transport from my parents home to mine.  I have found lots of hearts lately all over the place.  The beach was a good place to look, but those photos aren't downloaded quite yet.  I have been a bit lazy since my return from vacation.  I guess I am just trying to relax in preparation for the weeks to come.

When I find them out in nature they make me smile.  I get a little excited and snap a picture.  This was from a tree in Heritage Park in Corolla, NC.


  1. This is so nice Gina, and i hope you find your heart rock!

  2. What a great project! I see them too... I'll be keeping my eyes open a little wider now. What great photos!
